Learning Tricks
For your Riders to learn a new trick they first need to go to the Snow Park. This is the place in the metaverse where you can train your Riders a trick until they have mastered it. Once your Riders have mastered a trick, it will appear on their NFT metadata as a proof for event organizers and other Riders.
To both learn and perform a trick players must succeed in entering a given key combination in a certain pattern. Each trick has its own difficulty level, which represents the difficulty of the key combination and the pattern.
Each time you try to perform a trick in the Snow Park, you will earn some SKILL. Although you will earn more SKILL as bonus when you master a trick, you will still be rewarded for trying even if you fail the trick. The SKILL earned can then be spent to upgrade your Riders' stats.
Now, the higher a tricks' difficulty level, the higher your overall stats need to be in order for you to train it (and therefore master it). This means that no Rider can start right off with the hardest tricks as SKILL needs to be earned first (and this can only be done by either training easier tricks or staking, both of which have time-delaying effects).
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