Buying Lifts and Slopes
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Lifts and slopes are needed for competitions and events. Buying lifts and slopes allows you to earn a small share of the prize competition winners receive. This means everytime a player wins a competition with his Rider, a small amout of his prize will be sent to you if either the slope the competition takes place on or the lift the Rider needed to reach the slope belongs to you.
Although you will get the same rewards from the competition winners no matter if you own a lift or a slope, note how the amount you earn from lifts will depend on how many slopes it's connected to: For competitions on a given slope, Riders need to access it by at least one lift. If there's a lot of slopes connected to your lift, there's more competitions taking place around it and therefore more Riders to earn money from.
So as you just have seen, lifts can be very lucrative when connected to a lot of slopes since there may be more events taking place around it. This is why lifts are priced exactly proportional to the number of slopes they're connected to, while the payback may be lower or higher than the investement for one does not know for sure how often the slopes are actually going to be used. Lift investments involve some risk and strategy therefore. You can buy lifts and slopes directly without first having to buy land.
Furthermore every event will need lifts and slopes (see next section), which is why event organizers need to pay you a fee if they want to use your infrastructure for their events. Contrary to Hotels there's only the possibility of a flatrate fee for event organizers to pay, no individual fees per Rider.