Snow Parks and Event Locations
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Investors can combine their metverse properties and transform them into bigger projects, like Snow Parks or Event Location.
Event Locations An event location needs Lifts and Slopes for the competitions to take place on, as well as Hotels for the participants to stay in during an event. The number of Lifts, Slopes and Hotels needed will depend on the size of the event (i.e. how many Riders participate in the event). Note how (analogous to real world sport events like the Olympics) these locations should be close to each other, since for an event involving two slopes very distant apart for example, the organizer needs to pay all the infrastructure in between these slopes so the participants can get there. This means if an investor owns enough properties for an event and they are close together, he can promote these properties as an event location, and event organizers are more likely to choose these locations for an event.
Snow Parks To provide a training space for Riders where they can learn new tricks, investors who own a slope together with a lift connected to this slope at both ends can designate these two properties as a Snow Park. As soon as this is done, no more competitions can take place on these slopes, but instead Riders will start to learn tricks and earn SKILL in this Snow Park. As an investor, you can set a one-time entrance fee Riders have to pay in order to get either a time-restricted or an unlimited access to the Snow Park. (Note how again this results in a variety of different strategies one can go.)